Britain's Most Prestigious Cemetery

New Membership Application

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First Name: *
Surname: *
Email: *
Address: *
Town: *
County / State:
Postcode: *
Country: *
Membership type:

Gift Aid:
As a registered charity, Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery can claim Gift Aid on your membership/donation. The Gift Aid scheme allows us to reclaim 25p on every £1 you give as a membership subscription/donation. If you are a UK tax payer, by ticking the box above you:
  • agree to Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery reclaiming tax on this membership subscription / donation
  • confirm you pay UK income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax reclaimed on this membership subscription / donation

Become a Member


The Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery (FoKGC) welcome new members. A modest annual subscription helps the work of the Friends, and includes the Friends Magazine, Telamon, which is published three or four times a year and contains news, articles and a digest of forthcoming events. Occasional updates are also provided by email.

Members are also welcome to attend the regular Sunday afternoon tours, as often as they like, at no charge. The tours are led by different guides and vary in content according to season and the guide’s particular interests.